Membership Application and Renewal

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in astronomy. Amateurs and professionals are equally welcome; skilled amateurs comprise a majority of the membership. You do not have to own a telescope in order to be a member. The term of membership is one calendar year - January through December. Members applying after October 1st will have their membership extended into the following year. For some of the benefits of being a member of the Tri-Valley Stargazers, click here.

Joining the TVS is a two step process. First you must fill out the application form below. Then you can pay your dues using PayPal by filling out the payment form. You do not need to have a PayPal account to do this, since PayPal will accept credit cards. But if you prefer, you can click here to download an application form in PDF format. You can mail the form along with a check to Tri-Valley Stargazers, P.O. Box 2476, Livermore, CA 94551-2476.

Returning members should start here. If anything has changed, please fill out the form below with your latest information before paying your dues.

Member agrees to hold Tri-Valley Stargazers, and any cooperating organizations or landowners, harmless from all claims of liability for any injury or loss sustained at a TVS function. TVS will not share information with anyone except as detailed in our Privacy Policy.